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I Feel As If I Have Two Wolves Fighting In My Heart

Public Spirit/Live Art LA: Spirit Resurrected

A performance festival at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions

April 29, 2012

Part of Pacific Standard Time and Los Angeles Goes Live Performance in Art in L.A. 1945-1980 - The Getty Museum 


I Feel As If I Have Two Wolves Fighting In My Heart is a dark comedy performance that employs song, dance and nonfiction narratives. This collaborative mash-up is inspired by Nancy Buchanan’s 1980 performance If Only I Could Tell You How Much I Really Love You. I Feel As If.. examines our current cultural anxieties within a western historical context. In particular art as spectacle, police states and the inflated notion of the artist’s role as purveyor of value.


Christopher Russell - Balloon Man 

Crysteena Douglas - Runner in video

Craig Havens - Paparazzo

Deirdre Moncy - The Singing Corpse

Dino Dinco - C.I.A. Agent/Tap Dancer

Erich Wise - C.I.A. Agent/Stabbed

Jock Doubleday - Runner in video 

Jovan Rameau - Michael Jackson

Kelly Thompson - Balloon Girl

Matias Viegener - Tap Dancing Agent

Nancy Buchanan - Closing Statement Audio Voice

Nancy Popp - C.I.A. Agent/Drag

Peter Alberts - C.I.A Agent/Stripper

Reza Monahan - C.I.A Agen/Lookout

Stef Allespach- Director and Closing Statement

Sydney Croskery - The Egg  

Tricia Lawless Murray - The Women & The Little Girl


Stef Allespach



Stef Allespach

A recontextualisation of Nancy Buchanan's original script If Only I Could Tell You How Much I Really Love You.



Chelle Barbour - Still Photographer

Craig Havens - Still Photographer

Daniel Royale - Assistant Director

Geneva Skeen - Program Coordinator

Jacqueline Bell - Production Assistant

Jorge Espinosa - Still Photographer

Krista Chael - Videographer

Many thanks to Nancy Buchanan, Liz Glynn, Carol Stakenas, David Matsu, Renate and Ziggy Allespach, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions and the Getty Foundation. Thank you to all the performers as well as Daniel Royale, Jacqueline Bell, L.A.C.E. staff Geneva Skeen, Jorge Espinosa documentarians Chelle Barbour and Krista Chael.

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